Monday, May 12, 2014

The Phoenix rests in it's aerie

(click pictures to enlarge)
The hangar building is finally completed, so the Phoenix now has a permanent aerie to rest in between adventures. Even though it was late in the day after moving things from the temporary hangar to the new one , we went soaring for an hour before returning to "arrange the furniture". And yes, the wing tips have to be removed to fit the 50 foot wide airplane in to the 42 foot wide hangar (a three minute job).

This entry completes the Flight of the Phoenix, but the blog may continue. Tomorrow Jan and I fly to Ellensburg for breakfast and some sightseeing. We expect to be delighted!


  1. Eric,

    Thank you so much for a terrific blog on your fine adventure!

    I have benefited from all of your posts, especially those on training and airspace, and on weather delays in the Southeast. (They suggest the complexity of VFR operations and importance of ground support.)

    My wife too has enjoyed your balanced, deft sketches. And I really love the photos!

    Thank you and Jan!

    Wishing you enjoyable flying!


    1. Hi Walt - thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you both enjoyed it. I intend to continue with it, but I've been so busy getting the Phoenix, the new motorhome, and myself ready for the trips that begin in just a few days, the blog priority slipped down the list. I expect that to change when we're traveling again, starting this Sunday, when we head for Cottonwood, AZ, and the Touring Motor Glider Association's annual fly-in.
